A Level Film Studies
Course Code: Q100128
Key Information
Course type
A Levels
Sixth Form Campus
Start Date:
08 Sept 2025
2 years

This academic course is for students who enjoy watching films but want to understand the theoretical concepts behind them further. It encourages you to explore at a deeper level, analyse and interpret meanings communicated by films and helps you to gain an insight into the film industry. It also explores the social, cultural, historical and psychological aspects of films by learning about directors, narratives and spectatorship responses.
Units include:
- film form and response - learning the techniques in film production
- history of old and new Hollywood
- British film
- American film
- experimental film
- documentary films
- film theory, exploring narratives, audience responses and representation
- making your own unique short film for coursework.
Film studies provides an opportunity to explore this popular and specialist area of commercial art, whilst also enabling you to develop valuable and transferable academic skills in research, analysis, discussion and the construction of arguments in writing. There is also the opportunity to explore your creativity and technical skills by making your own film, inspired by your study of famous directors. We work closely with film specialist universities which can support you on your way to a career in the film industry.
This course combines well with other A Level and Level 3 vocational courses, such as media studies, moving image, journalism, digital media, English language and literature or English literature, graphics and art & design.
A minimum of five GCSEs at grade 4 or above including English language.
You will have a 9.55am start, one lesson in the morning, one in the afternoon and a guaranteed 4pm finish. You will also have at least one morning and one afternoon per week free for private study.
70% written examination and 30% non-exam assessment.
Having studied A Level film studies, you are able to confirm to any university or employer your ability to analyse effectively and work to strict deadlines. It will demonstrate your ability to approach analytical tasks in a logical and effective manner. It works well with most other subjects and will certainly add strength to your overall course combination. Students who have studied A Level film studies have progressed to university to study subjects such as film studies, digital film making, English, journalism, media studies, business studies, drama, history and law.
A Level Film Studies
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