A Level History
Course Code: Q100088
Key Information
Course type
A Levels
Sixth Form Campus
Start Date:
08 Sept 2025
2 years

This course provides you with a greater knowledge of history and a more sophisticated understanding of current national and international affairs. This A Level works well with politics and law, in addition to a whole range of other A Level subjects.
Units include:
- Germany 1918-1989
- Italy 1911-1946
- British experience of warfare 1790-1918
- individual research extended essay focusing on a particular historical debate.
Explore the past and pose questions for the future as you examine some of the key events and controversies that have shaped the modern world. You will be encouraged to think for yourself, engage in independent study and research, and engage with classmates to complete tasks and debate complex historical issues throughout the course.
If we have sufficient applicants and interest to run two pathways, rather than just our traditional pathway detailed above, we will also hope to offer an alternative historical option investigating Tudors, the French Revolution and rule of Napolean, and the Witchcraze of the 16th and 17th centuries. Please indicate on interview at the College if you would be interested in this pathway.
You could participate in a range of visits to complement your academic studies. Recent visits have included residential trips to Munich, Berlin, Rome and Poland, as well as the chance to attend local visits to Portsmouth Historic Dockyard and the University of Portsmouth. As the subject is so wide-ranging, and develops high transferable skills, it is very attractive to future employers. History is also a facilitating subject, meaning it is highly valued by the top universities in the country.
A minimum of five GCSEs at grade 4 or above, including a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and a grade 4 or above in history if taken at GCSE.
You will have a 9.55am start, one lesson in the morning, one in the afternoon and a guaranteed 4pm finish. You will also have at least one morning and one afternoon per week free for private study.
Assessments will comprise 20% coursework and 80% exams.
You can progress to reading a wide range of degree level subjects at university, including history, law, politics, English literature, economics and geography. Graduates can go on to carve successful careers in a broad range of job areas, such as journalism, teaching, the legal profession, business and tourism.
A Level History
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