A Level Media Studies
Course Code: Q100130
Key Information
Course type
A Levels
Sixth Form Campus
Start Date:
08 Sept 2025
2 years

This course is ideal if you wish to explore the way the media communicates with its audiences. You will also be involved in production work, where you can put your knowledge to practical effect.
Units include:
- image analysis
- representation
- audience
- television
- magazines
- online marketing.
Media studies is a fascinating insight into the visual world around us. You will develop a range of strong analytical skills, helping you to interpret the carefully crafted adverts and well-scripted television shows we come into contact with on a daily basis.
In addition to the theoretical aspects of media studies you will also develop skills in Photoshop, designing a range of products, from your own magazine to DVD covers or perhaps a music video.
When moving into the competitive film industry, you will be supported in taking part in some valuable work experience in radio, advertising and marketing or journalism.
Entry requirements
A minimum of five GCSEs at grade 4 or above including English language.
Learning and assessment
Assessments will comprise 60% personal investigation and 40% externally set practical exam. Your coursework is internally assessed and externally moderated.
You will have a 9.55am start, one lesson in the morning, one in the afternoon and a guaranteed 4pm finish. You will also have at least one morning and one afternoon per week free for private study.
What next?
Media studies is a contemporary subject with lots of transferable skills. Success in this A Level confirms your ability to analyse effectively and work to strict deadlines. It will demonstrate your ability to approach analytical tasks in a logical and effective manner. It works well with most other subjects and will certainly add strength to your overall course combination. Students who have studied A Level media studies have progressed to university to study English, journalism, media studies, business studies, drama and graphic design.
A minimum of five GCSEs at grade 4 or above including English language.
You will have a 9.55am start, one lesson in the morning, one in the afternoon and a guaranteed 4pm finish. You will also have at least one morning and one afternoon per week free for private study.
Assessments will comprise 30% coursework and 70% exams.
Media studies is a contemporary subject with lots of transferable skills. Success in this A Level confirms your ability to analyse effectively and work to strict deadlines. It will demonstrate your ability to approach analytical tasks in a logical and effective manner. It works well with most other subjects and will certainly add strength to your overall course combination. Students who have studied A Level media studies have progressed to university to study English, journalism, media studies, business studies, drama and graphic design.
A Level Media Studies
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