Access to HE Diploma (Criminology) for Adults

Course Code: Q274044

Key Information

  • Course type

    Access to Higher Education

  • Campus:


  • Start Date:


  • Duration:


  • Attendance:


  • Fees:

    £3,022.00 or Free

Crime scene investigation police do not cross boundary tape investigating police team

The Access to HE Diploma (Criminology) provides students with a comprehensive understanding of criminology and related fields. This course prepares students for Higher Education and careers in areas such as law enforcement, criminal justice, and social research. Students will acquire essential knowledge, specific skills, and transferable skills necessary for success in these fields. 

Students studying this Diploma will have the opportunity to expand their knowledge and practical skills through a range of subject areas, including:

  • Psychology: Studying the Brain and Nervous System
  • Criminology: Aspects of Situational Crime
  • Criminology: The Prison System
  • Law: Criminal Court Procedures, Personnel and Sentencing
  • Sociology: Exploring Family Structure and Changes

If you're a UK resident aged 19 or over then you may have pay your own fees but you can apply for the government backed Advanced Learner Loan. This will be paid back in monthly instalments but the payments only begin once you've finished the Access to HE diploma and are earning over over a certain amount - please check here for up-to-date details.

Ideally, once you've finished the Access to HE diploma you'll then go on to complete a higher education (HE) qualification, such as a degree course. The outstanding balance of your Advanced Learner Loan will then be written off.

We understand that with the time constraints of home and work life, our students don’t have to wait until September to enrol on a course and start studying. You can start your studies with us as soon as you enrol. Additionally, to save you even more time, there will be no classes to attend. Your entire qualification can be completed from the comfort of your own home, as and when you like.

At the end of your completed course, you will have a varied choice of careers or progression opportunities.

This programme is suitable for adult returners to learning or those with few or no traditional qualifications to help you prepare for higher education and university.

This is a recognised entry qualification to universities and colleges across the United Kingdom.

You are required to have a GCSE in maths and English at grade C/4 or above, or Functional Skills Level 2 in maths and English.

You will study this course fully online. You will be supported by an online tutor.

This online criminology course is made up of a range of units, with an assignment being issued at the end of each. You will submit your work to your tutor for marking and tailored feedback.

School Leavers under the age of 19 do not have to pay fees on any full time courses, though may have to pay for their second year if turning 19 during their studies. If you’re aged 19 or over you might qualify for an Advanced Learner Loan. It’s easy to apply for and you won’t have to pay anything back until you’re earning over £25,000. If you are studying a part-time course and you receive one of the following benefits, or you depend financially on someone who does, you may be entitled to have your tuition fees waived: Job Seekers Allowance, Income Support. You will, however, have to pay any awarding body/assessment fees (unless you are on a first full level 2 course). * If you are in receipt of Working Tax Credit or receive other allowances, you may be eligible to claim concessionary rates. If you are entitled to a fee concession you will be asked to provide proof of your entitlement. It is essential that you inform us if your entitlement changes at any time during your course.

Your Access to HE diploma and the way it is delivered within an innovative learning platform and is designed to give you the best possible chance of fulfilling your dream of studying at university. Higher education degrees confirm to any employer your intellect, motivation and ability to work independently to succeed not just in your area of specialism but also life itself. A higher education degree is a gateway qualification that will allow you to apply for thousands of graduate programmes as well as setting you apart from those who don't have a degree.

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