Level 3 Apprenticeship Standard in Plumbing and Domestic Heating Advanced
Course Code: P255409
Key Information
Course type
North Harbour Campus
Start Date:
September 2025
One day a week

Designed to develop you as an apprentice into the role of a plumber and domestic heating technician, providing you with the technical knowledge and behaviours you require to be successful in this role.
Units include:
- measuring, marking out, fitting, installing, maintaining and repairing or replacing plumbing components
- installing three different pipework systems on two separate occasions
- permanently or temporarily decommissioning two separate pipework systems
- designing and installing two pipework systems
- commissioning and testing plumbing and electrical control systems
- industry competence in water regulations, unvented hot water systems and gas installation
- using, maintaining and storing hand tools, power tools and associated equipment.
As site plumber, you will normally work on a building site, or in domestic and commercial premises, preparing and fixing building systems and appliances, from the initial erection of a new building, through to the installation of all necessary fixtures and fittings, as well as a range of repair and maintenance activities. The installation of plumbing and heating systems includes accurate measuring, marking, cutting, bending and jointing metallic and non-metallic pipework. Appliances and equipment can include gas, oil and solid fuel boilers as well as pumps, heat emitters, bathroom furniture or controls. You’ll also be working with cold water, hot water, central heating, above ground drainage and rainwater systems.
You will need maths and English GCSE grade 4 or above or Functional Skills Level 2.
The programme is co-ordinated through our North Harbour Campus over a period of four years and consists of classroom learning together with developing your skills and knowledge in the workplace.
You will build a portfolio of work and work-place assessors will be in regular contact to provide support, and to arrange on-site visits to observe your ability and skills in your daily role. It is important for you to take ownership of your own learning by seeking out opportunities to gain new skills on the job with your employer.
You and your employer will be enrolled on our award-winning e-Portfolio system OneFile to enable both parties to upload evidence of learning and to track progression through the programme.
Once you have completed your Level 3 National Occupational Standard as a Plumbing and Domestic Heating Technician and any needed maths and English, you will then be independently assessed on a knowledge assessment and practical skills assessment which will be graded at a Pass (50% - 65%), Merit (61% - 79%) or Distinction (80% - 100%) grade.
The End Point Assessment (at an independent centre) comprises:
Knowledge test – 50 questions /90 minutes to complete. Questions will vary and cover health and safety, plumbing and heating science processes, environmental and energy efficient working practices, plumbing and heating systems, effective communications, logical thinking and team working.
Design project (applied knowledge assessment) – taking 7 hours’ duration, in an assessment centre. Building plans are provided, with a job specification, manufacturer’s information and data, British Standards, and regulations. You are asked to complete a heating, hot water and cold-water design capable of meeting the job specification.
You will then produce:
• design criteria
• completed fabric heat loss
• heating pipework sizing
• hot and cold-water pipe and component sizing
• final layout plans
• materials list
• merchant order.
The performance element has two components: the practical installation test and the practical application test.
You could progress on to a Level 4 site management qualification or a different construction course/apprenticeship.
Level 3 Apprenticeship Standard in Plumbing and Domestic Heating Advanced
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