Level 4 Apprenticeship Standard in Professional Accounting or Tax Technician for Adults

Course Code: P237233

Key Information

  • Course type


  • Campus:

    Highbury Campus

  • Start Date:

    January 2025

  • Duration:


  • Attendance:

    One day a week

  • Fees:


Level 4 Professional Accounting Technician Apprenticeship Standard

Duration: Flexible

Location: Highbury Campus

A continuation from Level 3, a professional accounting or tax technician is responsible for creating, and/or verifying and reviewing, accurate and timely financial information within their organisation or on behalf of another. Relevant ethical, professional, and legal standards must be met, using your knowledge of the business systems and processes, as well as standard accounting and tax practices. You must have access to real work, which is valid and productive, providing opportunities to develop, practice and evidence knowledge and skills that have been learned. There are three mandatory and two optional units, assessed individually at the end of each unit, and a final synoptic assessment, which draws on and assesses knowledge and understanding from across the whole qualification. It's a government requirement that your employer provides and supports the opportunity for off-the-job training for a minimum six hours per week. Defined as technical and knowledge development, this type of learning is undertaken outside the normal day-to-day working environment. It can include activities such as attending College, online learning, mentoring, role play, attending competitions and events, or revision and assignments set as course work and homework.


Please note

You must have an employer in place to support this apprenticeship before starting it. If you need help finding one, we can help.

Maths and English GCSE 9-4 (A*-C) or Functional Skills Level 2. If you don't have the required grades or can't provide your certificates, you will have to complete an assessment. You will not be able to achieve your apprenticeship without the required maths and English qualification.

One day a week at the Highbury Campus during term-time. Additional attendance at College may be required during half-terms/holidays for workshops and revision sessions. From Janaury 2025 the College will offer a hybrid method of delivery that will reduce required attendance at our Highbury Campus. Further infomation on this will be availabe from November 2024

You are required to build a portfolio of your work. An assessor will be in regular contact to provide support, and to arrange on-site visits to observe your ability and skills in your daily role. It is important for you to take ownership of your own learning by seeking out opportunities to gain new skills on the job. You will be required to upload and submit your portfolio of evidence to SEPA for review.

The End Point Assessment is a structured interview that is held in a Smart Room. The training provider is responsible for ensuring you can complete the discussion in a suitable environment, either the training provider's or employer's premises. Also, part of the End Point Assessment is a synoptic assessment. The entire process from discussion to results may take up to six weeks. The results from the synoptic assessment will also take up to six weeks to be issued. Both assessment elements are graded individually. A minimum of 70% is needed to achieve a pass for the synoptic assessment, while the structured interview will be graded a fail, pass or distinction. Both results will be combined to provide an overall grade for the apprenticeship.

School Leavers under the age of 19 do not have to pay fees on any full time courses, though may have to pay for their second year if turning 19 during their studies. If you’re aged 19 or over you might qualify for an Advanced Learner Loan. It’s easy to apply for and you won’t have to pay anything back until you’re earning over £25,000. If you are studying a part-time course and you receive one of the following benefits, or you depend financially on someone who does, you may be entitled to have your tuition fees waived: Job Seekers Allowance, Income Support. You will, however, have to pay any awarding body/assessment fees (unless you are on a first full level 2 course). * If you are in receipt of Working Tax Credit or receive other allowances, you may be eligible to claim concessionary rates. If you are entitled to a fee concession you will be asked to provide proof of your entitlement. It is essential that you inform us if your entitlement changes at any time during your course.

You can work towards chartered accountancy and/or relevant undergraduate qualifications.

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