Whether you wish to expand your own horizons, develop the talent of your staff or invest in business growth through training and development, you should consider joining the large number of businesses and individuals who have engaged with us over the years.
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Employer Update - April 2024
Calling large employers – apprenticeship levy transfer how does this work?
From April 2024, all large employers that pay the apprenticeship levy can choose to transfer up to 50% of their levy funds, each year, to other businesses enabling them to utilise this to pay for their apprenticeship training/assessment. Transferring your levy funds is a great way of supporting other businesses in any sector within your local area, or beyond. The choice is yours.
Who can I transfer my apprenticeship levy to?
It's your choice which businesses you transfer levy funds to. Any business can receive a transfer of levy funds, including businesses that pay the apprenticeship levy and those that do not. All businesses will need an apprenticeship service account to receive a transfer of levy funds. Businesses that pay the apprenticeship levy can choose to either send or receive a transfer of levy funds.
What can levy transfers pay for?
Transferred funds can only be used to pay for apprenticeship training and assessment up to the funding band maximum.
Please contact us on employmentservices@copc.ac.uk to find out more from our Business Development Executives.