Acrylic Painting Studio for Adults
Course Code: Q260176
Key Information
Course type
Hobby & Leisure
Highbury Campus
Start Date:
8 weeks
£72.00 or Free

This course is for anyone interested in learning how to paint portraits and landscapes with some basic knowledge of painting in acrylic, watercolour or oil.
In this painting class you will learn the skill needed to paint captivating portraits and landscapes with details and depth. We will explore painting in monochrome tones and in the full colour spectrum. There is some drawing for composition involved at the beginning of this process. For the portraits the grid technique for enlarging images will be used. In the landscape genre painting techniques such as wet in wet, dry brush and glazing will be fully explored. The efficient use of brushes, palette knives and other tools for creating rich textures and interesting effects will be ongoing throughout the course.
- how to paint portraits, sculptures and landscapes with acrylic paint
- how to use brushes, palettes and other tools efficiently for painting
- how to use the grid technique for enlarging images
- how to mix acrylic paint according to the colour wheel and how to mix skin tones in particular
- how to use painting techniques, such as glazing, wet in wet, scumbling, etc
- have developed a personal painting style.
Some basic knowledge of painting in acrylic, watercolour or oil.
Thursdays, 6-8pm.
Non qualification course
Acrylic Painting Studio for Adults
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