French for Beginners for Adults

Course Code: Q271706

Key Information

  • Course type

    Languages (part time)

  • Campus:

    Highbury Campus

  • Start Date:


  • Duration:

    10 weeks

  • Attendance:


  • Fees:

    £67.50 or Free

French Language for Beginners

You will study the basics of French, enough to ‘get by’ on a visit to France at the most basic standard. Depending on the time of year, the class will also look at French culture and cultural events that happen in France at relevant times.

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Hold very basic, transactional conversations in French and write some basic information and instructions.
  • Understand most general things said to them in conversations and transactions while being able to understand simple written instructions.
  • Begin to understand some aspects of the way the French conduct their daily lives and some facets of French culture.

This course is for anyone who has never studied French before or those in need of a refresher.

This course will be held for 1.5 hours a week, Tuesdays 6-7.30pm (term time only). You will be expected to attend all your timetabled sessions on time, unless prior agreement has been made and agreed with your tutor. If you arrive more than 10 minutes late for class, you may be asked to leave. If you are absent for three consecutive weeks without notice you will automatically be withdrawn from the course.

While you will not receive a formal qualification, this fun and informative course will help expand and practise your skills in French.

School Leavers under the age of 19 do not have to pay fees on any full time courses, though may have to pay for their second year if turning 19 during their studies. If you’re aged 19 or over you might qualify for an Advanced Learner Loan. It’s easy to apply for and you won’t have to pay anything back until you’re earning over £25,000. If you are studying a part-time course and you receive one of the following benefits, or you depend financially on someone who does, you may be entitled to have your tuition fees waived: Job Seekers Allowance, Income Support. You will, however, have to pay any awarding body/assessment fees (unless you are on a first full level 2 course). * If you are in receipt of Working Tax Credit or receive other allowances, you may be eligible to claim concessionary rates. If you are entitled to a fee concession you will be asked to provide proof of your entitlement. It is essential that you inform us if your entitlement changes at any time during your course.

You could progress on to French for Intermediate.

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