Outstanding achievement awards went out to 74 students and alumni at the College on Thursday 15 December.

Many of the recipients and their families were joined by Portsmouth North MP Penny Mordaunt and City Councillor Suzy Horton for the ceremony at the College’s Sixth Form Campus.

“At City of Portsmouth College, we’re all about inspiring our students to achieve their very best, setting them in great stead for their future careers and preparing them for the world of work ahead,” said College Principal and Chief Executive Officer Katy Quinn.

“Our vision is to be the college of choice for the city of Portsmouth and our region, shaping our city’s future by unlocking the potential of its learners – and that’s exactly what we’re doing!

“We’re enormously proud of all the students here tonight, as well as the ones who couldn’t make it, and we’re delighted that so many of you are able to share in their success.”

Said Penny: “It’s fantastic to meet so many smart and dedicated ex-students, hear their stories and celebrate their incredible achievements.

“We could well be looking at the next generation of leaders and influencers in Portsmouth and beyond.

“It’s an exciting prospect which fills me with positivity for the future.”

Principal’s Awards for Emerging Leadership went to Theodhora Merdini, Maks Walter and Lindomar Junio Oliveira de Jesus.

The College’s first Green Student Award went to alumni Amy Brazier for her work on pushing colleges and universities to become net-zero, having been one of eight National Climate Change Commissioners for Further and Higher Education. She is currently studying at Oxford University.

Curriculum Awards went to:

Art, Design, Media and Film

Joshua Thomas, Joel Matthews, Jakob Starr, Terri Huntley, Lucy Donaldson, Millie Cornhill, Georgina Orchard, Harvey Gosling, Varya Romaniuk and Imogen Syms.

ICT and Digital Media

Bryce Allen, Gabby Finney, Anna Fisher, Theodhora Merdini and Mohammad Imtiazur (Rasel) Rahman.

English, Languages and Performing Arts

Danny Stokes, Beth Rolfe, Charlotte Golding, Mia Reed (two awards), Michal Broniszewski, Francesca Edge, Euan Busby, Sydney Moore, Harry Fitzgerald, Amelia Burgess, Shane May, Charlie Beech and Logan Lewis.

Maths, Business and Computing

Joel Bassil, Michal Rajzer, Sophie McGuinness, Luke Perryman, Cameron Davies, Ben Price, Khalil Kharoubi, Jasmine Lissaris, Saad Shah and Jack Appleton.


Libby Kale, Orlando Greenhow, Maks Walter, Keira Beech, Jacob Barker-Adams, James Smith, Maisie Kithakye, Harry Webb and Jamie Ngo.

Health and Social Care

Amelia Neville, Macy Hay, Sydney Limburn, Ellie Maglinao and Lindomar Junio Oliveira de Jesus.


Charlie Collis, Michal Rajzer, Joseph Mason, Scarlett Harris, Chloe Archer, Antonio Yildirim, Alexia Mitchell and Callie Griggs. 

Social Science

Alfie Cleeve, Harry Webb, Katie Burns, Nadeem Hussain, Lalash Lateef and Maks Walter.

Sport and Public Services

Tyler Sinnicks, Cameron Hatfield-Banting, Nischal Gurung, Claudia Garner, Scott Fricker, Tyler Monk and Lissy Jackson.

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