Celebrating a return to pre-pandemic results
PUBLISHED 17-08-2023

Jubilant students and staff are celebrating a return to pre-pandemic performances for A Level and Level 3 results released today.
Despite a forecast of deflated grades across the UK, we have seen an overall A Level pass rate of 95.6 per cent – that’s similar to 2019 but with even higher grades of 43.6 per cent.
“It’s a phenomenal outcome which speaks volumes for the resilience of our amazing students, the dedication of our lecturers and the consistent and comprehensive backing of our support teams,” said Principal and CEO Katy Quinn. “We couldn’t be more delighted!”
Sixth Form Campus vocational results had a 99 per cent pass rate, with the overall pass rate (including mixed academic and vocational programmes) hitting 97 per cent.
There was a 100 per cent pass rate for 18 of our 31 A Levels.
Vocational results at Highbury and North Harbour Campuses reached 94.3 per cent, with 23 out of 25 courses achieving 100 per cent.
Altogether we have issued more than 1,600 Level 3 results, with an overall pass rate of 96.6 per cent. An impressive 80 per cent of our students have secured a place at their preferred university.
“We offer a huge amount of support, both practically and emotionally, to our students and it’s clearly helped those affected by the impact of covid to overcome some momentous challenges in their lives over the last two years,” Katy added.
“Our post-merger and post-covid vision of becoming Portsmouth’s single super college is really taking shape.
“We’re delivering more academic, vocational and blended courses than ever before, including our exciting new range of T Levels, and by September 2024 we will have invested nearly £10 million in our facilities since the merger.
“These are exciting times!”