Parliament Live - a peak behind the scenes for Politics students
PUBLISHED 01-11-2023

Five students from our Sixth Form Campus got to take a peak behind the parliamentary scenes, thanks to taking part in a Westminster Experience Day.
They were hosted by COPC alumni and Portsmouth South MP Stephen Morgan, together with former Portsmouth resident and Hackney MP Meg Hillier.
As an extra special surprise bonus they even got to meet Labour Leader Sir Keir Starmer.
“The students were a credit to the College,” said Lecturer Steve Fitzgerald, who led the trip.
Here’s what they had to say about the amazing opportunity:
“I particularly enjoyed when we had the opportunity to watch a debate in the House of Commons, as well as when we could speak to Stephen Morgan and Meg Hillier and ask them questions about what they plan on doing in their constituencies. It was helpful to my course as I could witness a debate in real time and was able to learn about all the different types of jobs in Parliament; this is beneficial as I could use it in my work.” Imogen Teal
“I really enjoyed the trip to Westminster because it helped me with my course by giving me a greater understanding of how parliament functions.” Joseph Blake
“I particularly enjoyed sitting in the public gallery and having the ability to spectate on the question time surrounding foreign affairs - I thought it was very interesting to see it in practice. It was helpful to see how parliament works first hand and will now be easier to remember specifics relating to parliament and the government.” Casey Blair
“I really enjoyed the Westminster Experience Day, my favourite moment was witnessing Ministerial questions of foreign policy and Questions and Answers with two MPs and staff. I found these to be inspiring and they provided me with greater insight into life in Parliament.” Rudee Oakes
“I enjoyed the session as it opened my eyes to the number of roles within parliament and the government which I didn’t realise were there. This has assisted me in my studies in A Level Politics as it has given me real perspectives from MPs who are directly involved in political parties and their roles as representatives.” Emma Chittock
Delighted Principal and CEO Katy Quinn said: “What an excellent trip and experience for our students.”
Course type A Levels