Students and staff rocking their socks for World Down Syndrome Day

A massive well done to our foundation students who raised £180 for Portsmouth Down Syndrome Association in aid of the Rock your Socks campaign for World Down Syndrome Day.

They had a great time organising fun competitions, a bake sale, and people donating £1 each in exchange for rocking their socks to College.

Foundation Prospects Lecturer Samantha Gott said a big thank you to students and staff for their support and generosity.

Lucy Field, from Portsmouth Down Syndrome Association, said they were absolutely thrilled with the money we raised and they'll put it to great use.

"Portsmouth Down Syndrome Association is entirely self funding. It provides advice, friendship, social opportunities and essential educational services for young people who have Down syndrome and their families in Portsmouth and the surrounding areas, which they would not otherwise receive," she said.

"The last few years have been particularly challenging for fundraising, so donations like this make a very real difference to us. We are always so grateful for support from our friends in the community." 

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