Accelerating into the world of work
PUBLISHED 03-04-2024

A lovely new video has been launched to celebrate the success of the Accelerate programme, specially developed by us and our partners Unloc to explore young people’s aspirations, develop their employability and enterprise skills, and explore college life through a series of fun and interactive workshops.
School leavers from across the city have already benefited from six one-hour sessions focusing on our E6 principles, which offer enrichment opportunities for our students to help prepare them for the world of work.
Each workshop focuses on one of those principles: enterprise, employability & experience, e-curriculum, extension, exercise and explore.
Altogether, 240 school leavers have taken part in the programme so far and around 50 came along to a graduation event at our Highbury Campus.
The schools involved were Havant Academy, Trafalgar School, Cams Hill School, Admiral Lord Nelson School and the Portsmouth Academy.
Unloc is a leading education non-profit organisation, founded in 2013 by award-winning young leaders and advocates Hayden Taylor and Ben Dowling.
They help schools, colleges and organisations inspire and empower young people to be changemakers through bespoke and innovative programmes in entrepreneurship, leadership, career pathways and student voice.