Level 2 students fly high
PUBLISHED 22-08-2024

More than 300 students are today celebrating success in their Level 2 programmes with another bumper day of results for City of Portsmouth College.
A 100 per cent pass rate was seen in 23 subjects as diverse as plumbing, sport, early years, art & design and barbering.
Principal and CEO Katy Quinn said the whole COPC team were delighted by the results.
“A massive congratulations to our lovely 16-18 year old students, whose hard work and commitment has really paid off,” she said.
“Many will be progressing to higher levels with us and we can’t wait to see them continue to flourish.”
Katy also said a big well done to around 1,000 students and adult learners who picked up their GCSE English and maths results, subjects which are critical to further learning and employment.
And she paid tribute to the College's ‘ talented lecturers who are so passionate about what they do’.
“Our lecturers are true dual professionals,” she added. “Not only are they experts in their chosen subjects, they’re also brilliant at passing on their knowledge and expertise to their students.”
Enrolment for the new academic year starts on Friday 23 August and runs throughout next week.
For students still unsure what to do after GCSE results or where to study, our friendly team is here to help you make those next step decisions.
Email info@copc.ac.uk or call 023 9238 3131 to arrange a time to pop in and see us.