Vote for your Portsmouth hero
PUBLISHED 05-11-2024

While America is at the polls, Portsmouth people are being asked to vote for a different, but no less coveted title - the Portsmouth Hero. We’re asking students and locals to vote for the greatest Portsmouthian of all time, to settle the debate once and for all.
We’ll be running a voting booth, complete with polling cards and ballot boxes, in Gunwharf Quays shopping centre on Thursday, 14 November, so shoppers can vote while they shop. Alternatively, there is an option to vote online here.
Voters can choose between a list of famous local names, or nominate their own unsung hero. Nominees currently include:
- Hertha Ayrton, known as ‘the woman who tamed lightning’ - engineer, inventor and trailblazing suffragette
- Freda Swain, classical music maestro and legendary pianist
- Isambard Kingdom Brunel, ‘the man who built Britain’ - ingenious and prolific engineer
- Mason Mount, ‘the boy with a dream’ - England footballer and current Man Utd midfielder
- Charles Dickens, the storyteller who captured a nation
The Portsmouth Hero with the most votes will give their name to a prominent building on our Highbury Campus.
“Great things come from Portsmouth, as evidenced by this fantastic list of personalities past and present who have achieved great things and who hold a strong connection with our wonderful city,” said Katy Quinn, Principal and CEO.
“There are so many brilliant and inspirational people working tirelessly for local communities in Portsmouth, we’d like to add some local heroes to our list as well, so we hope people will tell us about people they know who should be up there with Mason Mount and Charles Dickens in the candidate list,” Katy continued.
“We’re urging everyone to choose which of these people best represents the spirit of Portsmouth for them. The winner will have a permanent place on campus at City of Portsmouth College, where great things are achieved every day by our brilliant students.”