Level 1 Pathway to Business
Course Code: P271884
Key Information
Course type
Highbury Campus
Start Date:
08 Sept 2025
1 year

This course is for anyone aged 16-19 with an interest in business who would like to develop skills within the sector, and for those that want to develop their maths and English levels to access higher vocationally related courses.
Units may include:
- creating business documents
- office administrator skills
- business finance
- word processing
- understanding business and enterprise
- note taking.
There are no formal entry requirements to join this course, although a keen interest in business combined with the desire to improve maths and English levels is essential.
100% attendance is expected for the duration of the course. Maths, English, work experience, tutorials and employability sessions all form part of the overall qualification, and not attending any of these may result in the overall qualification not being achieved. Continued non-attendance to any timetabled sessions may result in losing your place on this course.
You will be assessed through a variety of ways, including activity, group work, photographic and video, which will be presented through a portfolio of evidence.
As a student on the programme, you will have weekly tutorials and receive feedback every six weeks to discuss your progress and to set achievable targets.
All our programmes are planned around your individual learning needs, with every student having a timetable that clearly identifies the sessions that will be taught. You will be assigned a Programme Lead who will support you throughout your time in college.
This course is the perfect stepping stone into further education and will help you progress into other vocational courses or an apprenticeship.
Level 1 Pathway to Business
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