Level 3 BTEC National/Extended Diploma in Uniformed Protective Services
Course Code: Q100182
Key Information
Course type
Sixth Form Campus
Start Date:
08 Sept 2025
1 year

Diploma equivalent to two A Levels, extended diploma equivalent to three A Levels
For you if you have an interest in the uniformed services and want to develop your leadership and teamwork skills.
Be aware that the course is physically demanding.
Units include:
- government policies
- leadership and teamwork
- citizenship and diversity
- understanding discipline
- fitness testing and training for the uniformed public services.
Alongside this course, you will be required to choose a pathway that will guide you into your pending career. You can choose between an Armed Forces Pathway, where you will have an opportunity to take the Royal Navy entry test and be a part of our Combined Cadet Force (CCF), or the Blue Light Pathway, which includes a Criminology or Medical Science A Level, depending on career aspiration.
The Combined Cadet Force (CCF) runs alongside the Level 3 Armed Forces Pathway which aims to enhance students’ progression following the completion of their courses. This is a valuable opportunity for students to learn military skills and develop their teamwork ability.
About the Armed Forces Pathway
This pathway is designed to expand students’ experience of the armed forces and introduce them to military skills through participation in the college Combined Cadet Force (CCF). The course runs alongside BTEC Level 3 uniformed protective services and can also be combined with Level 3 sport courses.
The pathway includes practising and undertaking the Royal Navy recruitment test, weekly fitness testing at HMS Temeraire and a cadet fitness instructor course.
You will have been guided to achieve your end goal of joining the forces, having gained many interpersonal skills, as well as advancing to the fitness levels required for the forces.
An interest in the armed forces is essential and knowledge of potential career pathways is desirable.
The Combined Cadet Force (CCF) runs alongside the Level 3 armed forces pathway which aims to enhance your progression following the completion of your course. This is a valuable opportunity to learn military skills and develop your teamworking ability.
You will also have access to trips specific to this course and your chosen career pathway.
On completion of this course, you will be able to apply to an Armed Force of your choice.
About the Blue Light Pathway
Typical subjects include criminology, applied law, medical science and applied psychology that will be studied alongside the Level 3 BTEC Diploma in Uniformed Protective Services. This choice of blue light subject should be based on your intended career path.
The areas you will study may change to reflect any additional subjects you choose to combine with this course.
An interest in the blue light services (police/ambulance/fire/coastguard) is essential and knowledge of potential career pathways is desirable.
Alongside the uniformed protective services qualification, you will gain an additional BTEC (equivalent to an A Level) in either criminology or law. As well as gaining the equivalent of three A Levels, you will complete in-depth studies concerning crimes and the psychological reasoning behind why criminals carry out crime.
You will have access to trips specific to this course as part of both the uniformed protective services and criminology/law, which are hugely beneficial.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to apply to one of the blue light services or other armed forces. University will also be an option for those wanting to develop academically, as the course provides you with extra UCAS points.
A minimum of five GCSEs at grade 4 or above including English language.
You will have a 9.55am start, one lesson in the morning, one in the afternoon and a guaranteed 4pm finish. You will also have at least one morning and one afternoon per week free for private study.
Assessments will comprise 60% personal investigation and 40% externally set practical exam. Your coursework is internally assessed and externally moderated.
On completion of this course, you can progress into a role in the uniformed protective services such as police, emergency services and the armed forces.
Level 3 BTEC National/Extended Diploma in Uniformed Protective Services
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