Level 3 Certificate/Diploma in Criminology
Course Code: Q100161
Key Information
Course type
Sixth Form Campus
Start Date:
08 Sept 2025
1 year

- Certificate equivalent to one AS Level
- Diploma equivalent to one A Level
For you if you want to explore the causes of criminal behaviour, attitudes to crime, criminal investigations and the wider social impacts of campaigns for change.
Units include:
- changing awareness of crime
- criminological theories – explanations of criminal behaviour
- crime scene to courtroom – police procedures and preparations for trial
- crime and punishment – the criminal justice system.
Criminology is very much a social science course, exploring behaviour and attitudes in the field of crime. You will also be looking at criminal investigations and legal procedures and will develop your analytical skills by exploring examples such as campaigns for change and delving into the usefulness of criminological theories.
Criminology could well be an appropriate subject option for students interested in other social sciences and law.
You will be actively encouraged to take on volunteer work or work experience to enhance your future prospects.
A minimum of five GCSEs at grade 4 or above including English language.
You will have a 9.55am start, one lesson in the morning, one in the afternoon and a guaranteed 4pm finish. You will also have at least one morning and one afternoon per week free for private study.
Assessments will comprise 60% personal investigation and 40% externally set practical exam. Your coursework is internally assessed and externally moderated.
You could progress to university to study combinations of law and other social sciences or follow a pathway into a career within the police force or another public service, or social care.
Level 3 Certificate/Diploma in Criminology
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