Level 3 National Foundation Diploma in Business

Course Code: P163634

Key Information

  • Course type


  • Campus:

    Highbury Campus

  • Start Date:

    08 Sept 2025

  • Duration:

    1 year

  • Attendance:


  • Fees:


Level 3 National Foundation Diploma in Business

The first year of the Extended Diploma, to develop your business, marketing or finance skills and progress to university and a professional business career.

Units include:

  • exploring business
  • developing a marketing campaign
  • personal and business finance
  • managing an event
  • digital marketing
  • employment law.

You will also complete a 45-day work placement and could gain experience at events such as Victorious Festival and the Shaping Portsmouth Conference.

A minimum of five GCSEs at grade 4 or above, including maths and English.

A one-year full-time study programme, your timetable will be made up of face-to-face sessions, online lessons and independent self-study. You will also complete a minimum of 30 hours’ work experience in a business-related  role.

Assessment could include report writing, presentations, project completion and case studies. Sixty per cent is set and graded internally, subject to external verification.  Forty per cent is set and graded externally, through examinations and set tasks. You will also have the opportunity to develop a work experience journal and design your own ePortfolio.

School Leavers under the age of 19 do not have to pay fees on any full time courses, though may have to pay for their second year if turning 19 during their studies. If you’re aged 19 or over you might qualify for an Advanced Learner Loan. It’s easy to apply for and you won’t have to pay anything back until you’re earning over £25,000. If you are studying a part-time course and you receive one of the following benefits, or you depend financially on someone who does, you may be entitled to have your tuition fees waived: Job Seekers Allowance, Income Support. You will, however, have to pay any awarding body/assessment fees (unless you are on a first full level 2 course). * If you are in receipt of Working Tax Credit or receive other allowances, you may be eligible to claim concessionary rates. If you are entitled to a fee concession you will be asked to provide proof of your entitlement. It is essential that you inform us if your entitlement changes at any time during your course.

You can progress to the Level 3 BTEC Extended Diploma in Business.

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