Level 3 NCFE Introductory Diploma in Travel & Tourism
Course Code: P293002
Key Information
Course type
Highbury Campus
Start Date:
08 Sept 2025
1 year

The NCFE Level 3 Introductory Diploma in Travel & Tourism is endorsed by Hays Travel and aims to provide you with the specialist knowledge, skills, and understanding relating to travel and tourism.
It focusses on key areas including, travel agency operations, cabin crew, tour guiding and hospitality management, which can be applied to current or future employment in a variety of roles.
The content has been developed with employers, subject experts, and tutors to ensure it meets current industry needs. The qualification would be appropriate if you you currently work, or wish to work in travel and tourism, particularly if you already have some prior knowledge and experience.
You will complete 3 mandatory units:
• the UK travel and tourism industry
• customer service in travel and tourism
• preparing for a career in travel and tourism.
You will also complete further optional units chosen to meet current industry demand and employment opportunities and aligned with your own interests:
• travel and tourism destinations
• marketing for travel and tourism
• worldwide passenger airlines
• the cruise industry
• tour guiding.
A minimum of five GCSEs at grade 4 or above, including English.
You must attend all timetabled sessions, including tutorial. The qualification is equivalent in size to 1.5 A Levels and it has been designed as a one-year full-time study programme.
Your timetable will be made up of a combination of face-to-face sessions, online lessons and independent self-study. Alongside this, you will complete a minimum of 30 hours’ work experience in a travel and tourism related industry in a customer facing role.
If you have not already gained a GCSE in maths at grade 4 or above, you will also be expected to continue to work towards this.
The course is made up of nine units, of which three are mandatory. All units are coursework based, internally set and assessed through a range of assessments and assignments, including written reports, presentations and real industry simulated scenarios.
You could progress to the Level 3 NCFE Extended Diploma in Travel and Tourism, or direct to employment.
The Level 3 Introductory Diploma in Travel and Tourism carries UCAS points for higher education, so you could also progress to further learning opportunities, including tourism and hospitality management courses at university.
Level 3 NCFE Introductory Diploma in Travel & Tourism
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